
Holy Week in Logroño

Logroño Holy Week Procession of the Borriquita

Holy Week in Spain is the annual tribute of the Passion of Jesus Christ celebrated by Catholic religious brotherhoods (Spanish: cofradías).Holy Week in Logroño is a Festival of National Tourist Interest since 2015.

The Brotherhood of Brotherhoods of the Passion of the City of Logroño coordinates the program of events, made up of fifteen processions in charge of eleven brotherhoods that gather more than four thousand brothers.

Logroño had numerous brotherhoods in the 16th and 17th centuries, based in the churches that at that time were established in the city, such as Santa María de la Redonda, Santiago, San Pedro de los Lirios and the convents of San Francisco and Valbuena.

In the mid-20th century, the revitalization of a devotion began and that causes an impact due to its deep dedication and the beauty of the processional ‘pasos’, sculptures of the religious imaginery that are carried in procession through the streets and followed by the faithful in penitence through the Old Quarter of the city.

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