The mystery on the other side of the Ebro

Monte Cantabria

The site of Mount Cantabria is still bursting of enigmas to be solved, touches of Logroño’s history that survive between myth and truth. Unlike Rome, London and Paris, Logroño did not make a river the centre of its urban life. Until relatively recently, the capital of La Rioja spent its days turning its back on […]

The sad story of an illustrious woman from La Rioja

Maria de la O Lejárraga

A large mural on the gutter between Laruel and Bretón de los Herreros streets is a well-deserved tribute to the writer and activist María de la O Lejárraga, one of the most unknown and fascinating characters of La Rioja. The fountain of illustrious people from La Rioja, popularly known as the fountain of “those with […]